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VPCheck -- A VGA planets turn checker / helper

(c)1999 GNU Public License


This software writes data, and could contain errors which could corrupt data in some way or another. This program works for me, but is not guaranteed to work, or even to be useful. Therefore, only run this program on a backup of your data to be safe.

What is it?

VPCheck is a utility for VGA planets to check turns for inconsistancies, errors or other facts, and reports them. VPCheck is also able to perform some standard task (like randomizing friendly codes). The source is freely available, and everyone is encouraged to add more checks to VPCheck.


VPCheck requires Java from 1.1.6 or upwards (lower not tested). The development is done on a Linux machine with JDK 1.1.6 from Sun. [Kaffe 1.0.6 on Linux (debian stable) works as well -- Kero, dd 27 Feb 2001] Other JVMs should work, but are not tested.

How to use

java jvpc.vpcheck.VPCheck [gamedir [planetdir]] [options]

gamedir is the directory where your game lives. If the gamedir is omitted, the current directory (.) is asserted.

planetdir is the directory where your planet data lives. This directory is used as a backup whenever a file is not found in the gamedir. Default is the current directory (.).

-p[player] The player number (1..12) to include. The default is to check all players. Whenever at least one -p is given, only those players listed are checked.
-c[configname] Perform configuration configname. Currently, this can be 'pre', 'all' or 'default'. The default is (sensibly :) 'default'.
-r Read Only. Do not save, even after some things have changed.


The configurations are:
default The default configuration. Contains only checks, and of those only the more pressing ones.
pre Contains only actions: reset all ships missions which are only meant to be performed once, like 'lay mines'; clear all special FC's of ships to a neutral value; randomize planet FC's; reset waypoints within gravity wells (if warp>1). Can be run perfectly when your new RST is in; you don't even have to unpack: JVPC and VPCheck will do that automatically for you.
all Perform all checks on the data, also the more innocent ones. Useful to have as a reference.


java jvpc.vpcheck.VPCheck ~/projects/vga/eac -p6 -cpre

Perform all actions to be done before doing the turn itselves
java jvpc.vpcheck.VPCheck ~/projects/vga/eac
Check whether I made some errors during the turn

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