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$ mkdir JVPC; cd JVPC $ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.jvpc.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jvpc login $ cvs -z8 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.jvpc.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jvpc co .
The last release is also available as sources in a
zipfile (2 Jun 2004, 294kB, please use CVS).
Note: You will have to compile these java files into bytecode files
before you can run JVPC. See below.
$ ls -F Makefile configure* doc/ index.html jvpc/ jvpc.cfg kero/ vga/ vpcheck/ blitz/
$ ./configure --classdir=CLASSDIR --javac=JAVACwhere the defaults are
, respectively.
Now, export the classpath, such that it contains CLASSDIR as well:
$ setenv CLASSPATH CLASSDIR:/path/to/jdk/classes.zip
$ export CLASSPATH=CLASSDIR:/path/to/kaffe/Klasses.jar
or something like that. Put it in your startup files (like
.bashrc). For jikes, there is of course JIKESPATH to use.
(Typically, `configure` could strip the local CLASSDIR from CLASSPATH (or JIKESPATH), if it is in there; could be tricky, but all sysop installations are in /opt or /usr, so distinction can be made (unless kaffe is installed locally by/for a user or so). Is there a default local-to-the-user CLASSDIR?)
$ make(or `gmake`) It will compile and auto-install the classfiles.
Note that we use
$ jikes -source 1.1 -nowarn -d /home/kero/Program/Java/lib *.javaby default, since we invented assert before it was made a *** keyword by Sun.
No errors? Good. You can now run JVPC or run VPCheck.
Errors? Try to find out what went wrong, then mail me.
JVPC home | GPL/LGPL | Download/Install | Java VMs | JVPC/VPCheck | People | Kero's VGAP-page | Project Page |